A Great Explanation of SOPA

Somebody constructed this video explaining SOPA.  It’s a great teaching tool for something few understand.  It is also crafted in such a way that if SOPA were passed the distribution company of this movie would be able to pull down my site, and remove referenced to my entire site from all search engines.  I would, and do, have a legal basis for using it because it is fair use and is definitely parody by being paradoxical (using copyrighted content as a social meme to explain how the law is wrong).  However, if SOPA is passed, my site would be taken down first, then I would have to hire a lawyer and go to court with a major Hollywood studio to make that point and get my site re-established.  And I didn’t even make or post this video, I just have a link to it.

SOPA is a shoot-first, ask questions later law, which is why it would cripple the Internet.